CBD is gaining much acceptance among the public as an alternative for pain relief. Although research into CBD and other cannabinoids as effective treatments for our digestive system is still insufficient, can CBD actually help to relieve the signs and symptoms of this condition? Let's find out! Stomach ulcers can cause intense pain and even bleeding in the abdomen, but especially in the early stages, they can be managed without antibiotics. Many people who struggle with stomach problems try CBD for the relief it causes... There are many reasons why people nowadays are exploring natural alternatives instead of traditional medicine. One of them may be the side effects of synthetic painkillers such as ibuprofen; the latter but ultimately causes more pain than relief. On the other hand, some studies show that CBD has been shown to be useful for reducing pain.

Now more than ever, people suffering from stomach ulcers are trying CBD. Although it is recommended that you consult your doctor before using CBD, many patients are beginning to add CBD to their treatment more and more often. Although there is no scientific research to prove that CBD can treat or help stomach ulcers, tests so far have yielded favourable results.

How do stomach ulcers manifest themselves?

The pain caused by stomach ulcers can vary depending on the person and their lifestyle. It can range from very mild to extreme and excruciating pain. Multiple factors can also make these symptoms worse. A person who habitually skips proper meals is more prone to severe ulcers. Some ulcers may cause heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest or abdomen. If you experience pain that progresses rapidly, especially when your stomach is empty, you may be suffering a stomach ulcer. Consult your doctor as soon as possible to find out the exact cause of the pain.

Can CBD help with stomach ulcers?

CBD dosing guide for stomach ulcers:

Although many turn to CBD for its ability to relieve, there is no measurable dose yet to determine the exact treatment. For the first experience with CBD, start in small amounts. A low dose between 8 and 28 milligrams twice a day is a common starting point for CBD consumption. Gradually, it is very often necessary to increase the dose up to 3-4 times. It is important to note that you will experience symptom relief, but this is not curing the ulcer. It is possible with the help of CBD and acidity regulators; however, such treatment is not yet fully scientifically proven.

What exactly is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it is non-psychoactive. CBD is more often extracted from other cannabis plants than from the commonly known high-THC marijuana plants, also used for recreational use. CBD has many different natural benefits and medicinal components. Many clinical studies and research continue to support the medicinal claims of CBD. While the effects of CBD seem very promising, there is a need for more and more research.

Are there any side effects of CBD?

Many people who try CBD do not experience any negative side effects. The WHO also states that CBD itself is safe to consume in multiple doses. However, monitoring of use should continue. If you want to try CBD and you are unsure about contraindications with your medication, contact your doctor.


CBD still has to go through numerous scientific and medical tests to prove its power to fight stomach ulcers; already now it can help you with pain relief from this condition because CBD is proven to be a good pain reliever. Nevertheless, it should not be used as a substitute for any prescription medication or treatment prescribed by your doctor. It can, however, replace aspirin and ibuprofen.