Glovape THCv Amnesia Haze

Kod: 1649
58 ocen
Marka: CzechCBD
€57,92 €47,87 bez VAT
W magazynie (>5 szt)
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Kategoria: THCv GloVape
Obsah THCv 95% d9: 50%
Obsah THC: 0%
Obsah HHC: 0%
Obsah CBD: 0%
Obsah terpenů: 8%
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BN Avatar of author 4/5 19.5.2024 02:48
Product and quality is A+, but there are too much terpenes, kind of tastes hard and little unpleasnt. I would do 5% terps for sure. Lights are very flashy but itdoesnt matter me