HHCPO CATline Watermellon cartridge 1ml

Kod: HPO010
24 ocen
Marka: CzechCBD
€16,25 €13,43 bez VAT
W magazynie (>5 szt)
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Kategoria: Cartridge s HHCPO 1ml
Obsah HHCPO destilátu: 10%
Obsah CBD: 85%
Obsah příchutí: 5%
Obsah THC: 0%
Obsah HHC: 0%
Obsah THCP: 0%
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N Avatar of author Absolutely sketchy line... 19.3.2024 21:37
Absolute nothing compared to the STROGER BEAST formula, please add more PO or just bring back the golden hhcp and the live resins...we are feeling upset and startingt o lose trust in the company as it shows signs of ....i dont want to write it as we are still believing in that something big is coming behind the corner👌🤞
Avatar of author HHCPO CATline Görögdinnye patron 1ml 13.3.2024 08:25
Very weak, not compared to the old HHC-p