THCv Med 140mg, 50g

Kod: 1664
42 ocen
Marka: Czech CBD
€9,17 €7,58 bez VAT
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Kategoria: Med s THCV
Obsah THCv: 140mg
Obsah THC: 0 %
Obsah balení: 50g
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C Avatar of author Med 11.1.2024 10:39
Honey kicks in pretty quick even though its edible form. THCv does have the effects you can read about but the first time I took it I had a little sedated high. After the first time it was energizing and good, very nice to work with when I cannot focus due to high stress and deadlines. + One thing I LOVE about the honey is the taste. I expected it to have a strong taste and aftertaste like some off the cannabis edibles do - for example CBD honey sold here. However this honey is very delicious and tastes just like classical honey. Get ready, this one is pretty small though, so if you already tried THCv and you'd like to use it more often, go for the bigger one.